Our Team
Courtney McQueen - Co-Owner
She is a mom, ultra-runner, published author, devoted outdoor enthusiast with 18 years of experience in the running and mountain community, ran her first half marathon at 19, her first Marathon when she was 21 and first Ultra Marathon at 23. She has travelled, studied, raced and volunteered in 14 countries. She is also the owner and director of Run Like A Girl Adventures Inc.
Jeremy Rolle - Co-Owner/ Race Director
Driven by a deep passion for trail running, endurance sport and the community, Jeremy is committed to creating meaningful opportunities for runners to come together, connect, and celebrate their shared love of running.
Carol-Ann Rolle - Volunteer Coordinator
Carol-Ann Rolle, also known as The Endurance Dietitian, is a passionate sports dietitian specializing in helping endurance runners and triathletes fuel their performance through science-backed nutrition.